Broker Comparison Table

A flexible ISA supports the withdrawal and repayment of funds within a tax year, without impacting the ISA allowance. In my opinion, the fact that the Trading 212 ISA is not flexible is its only major weakness.

Unfortunately I need a flexible ISA for my upcoming contributions in the 2021/22 tax year, so I need to find an alternative provider.

Are there any ISAs that are remotely close to Trading 212 in terms of functionality, ease-of-use, fees (preferably free), instruments offered, etc., but which are also flexible?

Scroll a little bit down the page and you’ll see it.

This ought to be updated now right?


Thanks for taking the time to reply. However, if you’re referring to the table titled “Trading 212 vs. other brokers” then that doesn’t contain nearly as much detail as the table at the start of this topic.

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