Coffee stocks (source NOT chains)

Anyone know any stocks on T212, I wanted wisdomtree coffee but doesn’t exist.

I don’t want something like Nestle as it’s only part of its portfolio I want something focuses on coffee at source or a wholesaler.

Maybe JDE Peet’s fits in that category.
From its company profile: JDE Peet’s N.V., together with its subsidiaries, provides various coffee and tea products and solutions to serve consumer needs in the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United States, and internationally.

Only other one I know of is SBUX but I guess that’s not close enough to the source.

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Thanks, it’s proving rather difficult, I’ll need to dig a little deeper.

If I’m correct most coffee nowadays is produced by local small farmers, so I doubt you’ll be able to find any (and available on t212) stocks related to direct coffee production.

Maybe coffee trading companies (the ones which buy directly from locals and transport them and resell them for processing) and coffee processing (I think JDEP is in that space but I haven’t looked into that company like at all) have some public companies. Most public companies only are on the consumer side of this business (where probably the highest margins are made). Best of luck though and keep us updated on your findings as I now am interested as well!

Yeah I guess theyre pretty focused on monopolising and getting the best price possible and so sources lot themselves. Increase margins etc…