Renaissance IPO ETF

Could we have the Renaissance IPO ETF added please?


FYI @David

Just for future reference, what’s the process to get new companies / ETFs added.

  1. Add A post on this forum
  2. Do we need to tag a member of the @Team212?
  3. How do you prioritise and action on feedback
  4. Timelines?

Just want to know so I can manage my expectations and hassle you guys less :slightly_smiling_face:


β€œThe ETF tracks the rules based Renaissance International IPO Index, which adds sizeable new companies on a fast entry basis and the rest upon scheduled quarterly reviews. Companies that have been public for two years are removed at the next quarterly review.”

Fact sheet:

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Hi, I would also like this added.

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@AdrianUK It’s a US ETF so it’s not PRIIPS compliant / UCITS certified which makes it unavailable in the EU.

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Ahhh right, ok thanks for that! Need to read up more on this. Cheers!