Tesla a nose diving at the mo!

Free Neuralink implant with every Tesla order. You can play Cyberpunk 2077 hands free.

Now that i think about it, maybe Neuralink can use our brains to mine Doge coin.

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Glitches out just like the game and Tesla cars on auto pilot

This is subjective however. Some people might be prepared enough to just YOLO with little to no research. Then you see some people who write pages and pages of DD while before they invest a penny. Most people are in between.

Then there is nothing to complain about. Why do they complain?

The apes that are playing the DOGE and other dog based memes have no reason to complain when it dumps instead of pumps as they are literally praying for those random tweet events and that they cause a spike upwards. No one wants to see it manipulated down unless you are short.

As for the rest that actually take it serious they would rather not have that extra element of pot luck thrown in where despite all considerations and risk management, that one tweet could knock half the value off their portfolio.

So I would say those have every right to be pissed off with those that manipulate. They should be pissed off at the manipulation up too, but avg people mostly go long and they like making money so donโ€™t see it as a negative unless itโ€™s downwards.

We have manipulation in stocks but itโ€™s hidden and slower moving to react.

In crypto itโ€™s direct as the SEC are powerless. Things happen at much faster speeds, the typical trader has far less skill involved which leads to these over leveraged positions and extreme panic selling.

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Because things donโ€™t always go to plan! Weโ€™d be all rich if it did :wink:

There is skill in trading digi coins?

What about trading Digi Mon? Digital monsters

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