What information activicy report contains?

I am considering to transfer my portfolio to T212, but wish to know how the activity report - which can also be exported as CSV if I have understood correctly - looks like, or what information it contains. Unfortunately practice mode doesn’t include any reporting under History menu selection.

Mostly am interested in order date, actual purchase price/share and total purchase price, so can calculate potential capital gains when planning on selling.

Hi @PennyPatrick,

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the fields you can get:

  • Action (Bonus, Deposit, Dividend, Interest on cash, Limit sell, Market buy, etc.)
  • Time
  • ISIN
  • Ticker
  • Name
  • No. of shares
  • Price / share
  • Currency (Price / share)
  • Exchange rate
  • Currency (Result)
  • Currency (Total)
  • Total
  • Result
  • Notes
  • ID

Thanks @gtafuro, looks like it contains everything I need.

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