Hi, @David
Do you think it would be possible for you guys to take some time and explain what is really going on here?
Clearly, as evident from the image attached, $LLKKF has NOT been put under any kind of restriction by the OTC Markets Group, as the app warning text and your message here state, and people on other platforms have been able to trade in this stock normally, while users of Trading212 have been prevented from actively managing their investment.
I am aware that this particular stock might not be the most popular instrument ever, but you did add it the platform and there have been enough people to research the company and make their due diligence and make the decision to invest some of their own money into it using your services. Now your services have become restricted one-way, for an unspecified period, which practically kills any long-term strategy on gradually building up a position. The longer I am restricted from adding to my open position, the more likely I will end up with missed opportunities to grow it with a profitable average price, and the more likely that my initial investment will be handicapped and will go to waste.
And for all those missed potential gains we are forced to take a false excuse!
All of us here who have open positions in $LLKKF have the right to expect proper service and minimum truthful communication, irrespective of the number of shares we hold or total account value.
Customer trust is a very important asset for any company, and for a company in your business Iβd say it is a crucial one.
A prompt and clear response from T212 team on the situation would be much appreciated indeed.
Thank you!