Stocks & ETFs requests - add here

A post was merged into an existing topic: Reduction in T212 quantities

Please could you add


Thank you

Can you please add another popular Artemis fund on Trading212. Please can you add:-
Artemis Smartgarp Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund Class I Inc Gbp (0P00015JYI). I would like to add this fund to my pie. Thankyou.


Can you please add Invesco Nasdaq 100 ESG Uctis ETF acc
London stock exchange ticker NESP


Simple answer: Investment Funds/Mutual Funds arenā€™t eligible in T212.

Hint: Non-listed (non-tradeable on exchanges) financial instruments arenā€™t eligible in T212.

More info in here:

What about index funds?

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In case you donā€™t know what are index funds, index funds can be listed (ETFs) or non-listed (investment funds/mutual funds).

Funds can have active management (non-index funds) or have passive management (index funds).

Non-listed funds can be active or index funds.
ETFs can be active or index funds.

NOTE: ETF = Exchange-traded fund

More info on eligible instruments in the topic I posted previously.

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I was curious about adding Beigene BGNE to my pie, i found it only at mobile as view only, also seen some old request here at forum with the fractional shares available at the end. What happened?

Hello T212 and members
Is it possible to add IE00BK5BQX27 Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) Accumulating in Xetra or Borsa or euronext amesterdam please.

Kind regards

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@Englarec @ipclimited @YakHerder @AleksT @martinf @magina13
Just so others are aware T212 have stopped taking these requests temporarily. I guess they have a lot going on with the new features being introducedā€¦

Could you please add IE00B3VWN518 on LSE (CBU0)?

Could you please add ETF; SMH and the Kingdom of Saudi market as well !

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Could you please add FR0010755611, symbol 18MF, Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS?
Thank you.

Please could you add Arm Holdings PLC (ARM)

:point_right: US-listed ETFs/ETNs/ETCs arenā€™t allowed to European-resident retail investors, so T212 or other European brokers canā€™t add them.
(There are European versions of most US-listed ETFs.)

:point_right: Interactive Brokers donā€™t have access to this market, so T212 canā€™t add it.
(Most mainstream brokers donā€™t offer Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange.)

Read this topic about the eligible instruments:

Itā€™s already added. Assuming youā€™re looking in your ISA, itā€™s not available for purchase there. Look in your GIA.

Hello, could you add
$AKEMF Alaska Energy Metals Corporation to INV OR ISA
$SSVRF Summa Silver Corp. (SSVRF)


Hello could you please add Concentrix NASDAQ: CNXC (in consultation only at the moment)
Thanks! Regards

Oh sweet summer child


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