Stocks & ETFs requests - add here

Please add CMOD from an european market. I need it in EUR :upside_down_face:

Can you please add:

ISIN: CA29258Y1034, ticker EXK, listed on NYSE

Thank you :pray:

Could you please add SXOOF and SIRC

thanks :slight_smile:

Hi hopefully this is a ps exempt, very kindly add:
200mill mcap

Chesapeake Gold Corp.

OTCQX ticker is: CHPGF

Many thanks @Team212

Why your same request in different places in matter of hours, specially after someone answer you to read the Stocks & ETF request Help topic?

To avoid your same request again, your request isn’t eligible to be added to T212:

  • US-domiciled ETFs aren’t eligible in Europe & UK due to UCITS legislation;
  • Also NYSE ARCA isn’t a market present in T212.
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Hi @Team212 can you please add SPSY on the LSE Spectra Systems Corp

It would be much appreciated thank you.

Hi @Fabrizio82RC, if you check the help thread sticky by RLX it has a guide on how to check if 212 can add the stock.

Unfortunately Interactive Brokers do not support the ASX1 segment of LSE, so like MWE and TBLD, we can’t get this added to the platform.

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That would have been a too long process for me to check but very much thank you for your prompt reply. I am sad now though haha just discovered this little stock that seems poised for good things

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That’s the wrong answer I’m afraid. We shouldn’t have to tidy up after you.

Please can you add STM Group to your listings ticker STM :white_check_mark:

Please add Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend accumulating.

Ticker (XETRA): VGWE

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Please add
OtcMkts: VYGVF - Voyager Digital Ltd

Thank you.

Asked a few days ago.

Response was “we won’t be adding this”. Reasons not given.

I’ve tired to go through the Request Help to screen this stock but can’t find any mention of Penny Stocks over at the OTC Markets page.

GWLLF (Great Wall Motor Company Ltd) is a Chinese automaker bringing one of the first “affordable” electric cars (staring £25k for top end model) to the European market in early 2022 and I think the Ora Cat looks amazing. I’d like one of their cars but would need to save up to buy one. Would put money into them if they were on T212.

This page has quite a bullish outlook on them

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Hey @ronanickles - unfortunately this penny stock doesn’t meet any of the criteria T212 require it to in order to add at the moment.


I know, but sometimes when asked again afer 1 week they might add the request. Weird, i know.

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It’s a funny one as it seems to tick all the boxes now. Perhaps perceived volatility playing a part, not sure.

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Now added @Davey :+1:t2:

@ronanickles @Joey_Fantana

Great Wall has a Primary listing in HK… which makes it easier to trade… already setup and available on IB too… so should be tradeable by T212

Hope you have more luck this time

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That such a shame. Hopefully T212 will change their mind, now that the EV market is taking off & its available on other platforms :pray: