iClima Distributed Renewable Energy UCITS ETF - DGEN.L
The DGEN fund tracks the iClima Distributed Renewable Energy Index, providing equal weight exposure to 50 companies at the forefront of the rapid rise of decentralised generation based on renewable sources and storage solutions.
Solar Energy UCITS ETF - TANN.L
The Solar Energy UCITS ETF ‘TANN’ seeks to offer pure-play exposure to the rapidly growing global solar industry
Procure Space UCITS ETF - YODA.L
The Procure Space UCITS ETF (YODA) seeks to offer pure-play exposure to the space economy
Airlines, Hotels and Cruise Lines UCITS ETF - TRYP.L
The Airlines, Hotels and Cruise Lines UCITS ETF ‘TRYP’ seeks to offer exposure to the travel industry as it tracks global airline companies, hotel businesses and cruise line operators
U.S. Global Jets UCITS ETF - JETS.L
The U.S. Global Jets UCITS ETF ‘JETS’ delivers exposure to the global airline industry including airline operators and manufacturers from all over the world
I do have all these on a separate list of ETFs to be added but (not sure where) @David has posted elsewhere that they will be bulk-loading ETFs at a later date when they have worked out the functionality to do so - quite a bit more complex than a typical stock add apparently.
I have a note of the USD and GBX versions of all of these. If anyone can add the EUR versions (if they exist) below, exchange and ticker, I’ll add them to the list and cross check when the bulk ETF load is complete. Thanks
@David, is there any update on the ETA for this please?
@Joey_Fantana No ETA yet, unfortunately. We’re currently ramping up making instruments fractionable, with close to 80% now being available in fractional shares.
We’ll probably try to complete that within the next 2 months before moving onto new bulk additions.