Accumulating version of VWRL ETF

Hi there,

Is there an accumulating version of VWRL for the UK?

I can see VWRP but it has USD in the title. If if is not on there yet please could you add it and in either scenario please could you make it fractional?


VWRP is priced in GBP. The USD in the title refers to the base currency but this is irrelevant in practice. It is what you should buy.

Alternatively, consider SWDA which is fractional. You could also buy VWRA which is fractional. It is priced in USD, but this is irrelevant so far as the returns you will get.

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Hi Richard,

Thanks for this. I was interested in SWDA however it doesn’t cover the emerging markets like VWRL does. Perhaps it’s not needed?
I know I could get a separate ETF for emerging markets but all the extra OCF charges start to add up!

With regards the VWRA… What are the pros/cons of buying it in USD rather than buying an ETF in GBP?


Hi Anishgp3

Might actually work out cheaper using separate World index tracker and emerging market trackers. I did a video breakdown on SWDA that might be helpful. EM is about 13% of the global MSCI index so you could put 85-90% into SWDA at 0.2% cost and then remainder into an EM tracker where you would pay a higher ongoing charge but on a much smaller sum. Whereas the global tracker including EM will cost you about 0.45-0.6% on the total amount.

Hope you find it helpful


VWRL has these percentages and charges 0.22%.


Of that, the Pacific part is 7.7% Japan. You could make your own pie from US VUSA (or VNRT), Europe VEUE (or VUKE + VERX), Japan VJPN, Pacific ex-Japan VAPX and Emerging markets VFEM. The charges would work out at about 0.10%, so cheaper that the 0.22% of VWRL. I have done this myself, but omitting the VUSA part to create a “World ex-USA” fund, with fee of 0.15%, since I prefer to make my US investments directly in companies.

Some like emerging markets, some don’t. Some think that is where future growth will come from. Others see emerging markets (China, India…) as the most volatile.

I also think ESG and SRI funds are interesting, which screen for environmental, social, and governance criteria and socially responsible investing (so no tobacco, oil, weapons). I have recently been buying SUWS and that has outperformed SWDA - perhaps because oil companies have been doing so badly recently.

Just buy both.

I have one that I have bought in the crash at good prices, but I drip feed invest into another.
Right now a lot of my money is in SWDA which i’m keeping at that level, but im cost averaging into VWRL right now, buying more on the dips.

There is no one-size fits all approach, just buy both if your unsure. It’s another way to diversify once more.