While waiting for @Team212 to comment I am tempted to test my understanding by making guesses. My understanding is that the 0.5% currency conversion fee only applies to the result, so
First scenario ?=0.85. Second scenario ?=0.90.
Profit = (16000-15000)x(0.90x0.995) - SWAP fees
I would expect the SWAP fee to be computed each day using whatever is the exchange rate at 10pm that day.
You ask a good question. It ought to be possible to find a clear example of how this calculation is done within the help pages.
I have already read that explanation before posting the question here. However, Martin’s example raised some doubts since it did not take into account the exchange rate fluctuation.
Let’s take the example made by Martin and adding the USD/GBP exchange rate at the entrance of the position. Let’s assume it was 0.8532.
Account in GBP
Long position with the Apple CFD at 241.27 USD
Exit from the position at 245.35 USD
USD/GBP exchange rate at the closure of the position: 0.8126
Quantity traded: 10 units
PROFIT or LOSS = [Quantity x (Closing Price - Opening Price)] x (0.8126 x 0.995) = 10 x (245.35 USD - 241.27 USD) x (0.8126 x 0.995) = 32.99 GBP (PROFIT)
Lets’ now re-run the same example but adding the:
USD/GBP exchange rate at the entrance of the position: 0.8532
BOUGHT = Quantity x Opening Price x 0.8532 = 10 x 241.27 USD x 0.8532 = 2,058.52 GBP
SOLD = Quantity x Closing Price x (0.8126 x 0.995) = 10 x 245.35 USD x (0.8126 x 0.995) = 1,983.75 GBP
PROFIT or LOSS = BOUGHT – SOLD = 2,058.52 GBP – 1,983.75 GBP = -74.77 GBP (LOSS)
@Ados83 That’s how CFDs are built - they don’t take into account the FX rate fluctuations since there’s only one conversion - at position close, no conversion when opening the position.
They were built this way in order to simplify things, however, this logic is likely to change in the future. So, in essence, Martin’s example is correct.
Hi David
This is valid for the normal investment in stocks or etf in a Stock ISA account as well? Meaning, Take the convertion only at the position close?
Thank you.