[Fractionals] HDLV & HDLG - โœ… Done

Could I request HDLG as a fractional option please ?
Thank you :blush:
EDIT: just seen itโ€™s already requested! :+1:t3:
Would like to hit the ground running with this ETF when I open my new T212 ISA on 6th April :boom:

Thereโ€™s quite the demand for this one!

Please make this happen for everyone above @David @Martin @PeterA, thanks.

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HDLV & HDLG are available for fractions! Enjoy :v:


@mcwilliams91 I saw that you moved my request to this one, but QSR is missing in this thread and hasnโ€™t been added to fractional shares. Shall I create a new thread?

Please, yes. I couldnโ€™t split up individual posts.

This whole thread was made up of individual posts people had made without looking for a thread on the subject first.

Fractional requests are usually made quickly.

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My fractional shares requests take weeks to be accepted :cry:

Thatโ€™s because theyโ€™re as important as everyone elses.

My comment was meant to be a reply to mcwilliams91. Fair enough if there is a few weeks wait by everyone.

Thank you @mcwilliams91! I will create a separate request then :slight_smile: