[Fractionals] HDLV & HDLG - βœ… Done

Combined fractional request for the above stocks … :slight_smile:

can you add this to fractional shares please

Can you add it mate, looking to buy .5 shares in this

Can you add HDLV and GM to the fractional shares please?

Please add these to fractional shares

Please add Fractional Shares for HDLV, one of the best ETFs for the S&P 500

Can you add this to fractional shares? Been requested tons already.

Can you add this as fractional shares? Im starting off small so this would help

Can you add these 2 S&P 500 Tracking ETFs to fractional shares

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This is a super popular ETF that has already been requested, please add fractional shares for this! (HDLV)

Please add this etf to the fractional shares list.


Please add the Invesco Invesco S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility UCITS Monthly paying ETF. Thanks!

It has been requested about 5 times for these two ETFs to be added to fractional shares. These two are some of the most popular S&P 500 ETFs and with the release of Pies I can’t add either of them in due to them not being fractional. Please add them to the fractional shares list.

We need HDLV and HDLG aa fractional shares

Can we please add HDLV to the fractional shares list? Been like 10 requests already

please add hdlv to fraction share

HDLG would be great!

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Good morning! Could we get the Invesco S&P500 (HDLG), HPE and Restaurant Brands (QSR) as fractional shares please? Thanks!


Pleaaaaase :smiley:
Thanks in advance !

Another vote for HDLG fractional :ok_hand:t3:

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