New IPOs going live TODAY (Fri 11th November, β€˜22)

Good morning @David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM

Please add the following IPOs;

NDAQ:KWE (KWESST Micro Systems Inc.)
NDAQ:ATAT (Atour Lifestyle Holdings Limited)
NDAQ:ACRV (Acrivon Therapeutics, Inc.)
NDAQ:SNAL (Snail, Inc.)
NDAQ:GLST (Global Star Acquisition Inc.) - commons available
NDAQ:BFAI (Bullfrog AI Holdings, Inc.)
NDAQ:INTS (Intensity Therapeutics, Inc.)
LON:IIB (Independent Investment Trust (25p B Rights))
LS:MLSMB (Samba Digital, SGPS, S.A.)
LON:FDBK (Feedback Plc)

Would you mind adding to Invest, ISA (where applicable) and CFD for both UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

  • None

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96


KWE - still PINK, will check in the following days :x:
ATAT - we won’t add it :x:
ACRV - we won’t add it :x:
SNAL - :white_check_mark:
GLST - will double-check in the following days :x:
BFAI - not yet available :x:
INTS - pending listing :x:
IIB - not yet available :x:
MLSMB - not yet available :x:
FDBK - not yet available :x:

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