New IPOs going live TODAY (Fri 20th May, ‘22)

Good morning @David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM

Today’s IPOs;
NDAQ:SVRE (SaverOne 2014 Ltd.) - uplisting
LON:SAAB (M&C Saatchi Plc (Assd AdvancedAdvt All Share))
LON:SAAC (M&C Saatchi Plc (Assd AdvancedAdvt Cash & Shs))
LON:SAAD (M&C Saatchi Plc (Assd AdvancedAdvt Max Cash))
LON:SAAE (M&C Saatchi Plc (Assd AdvancedAdvt Max Shs))
LON:TUNA (Tungsten Corporation Plc)
NDAQ:INRX (Intrinsic Medicine, Inc.)

Would you mind adding to UK and EU platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

  • None

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96


SVRE - Will double-check next week :x:
SAAB - Not available yet :x:
SAAC - Not available yet :x:
SAAD - Not available yet :x:
SAAE - Not available yet :x:
TUNA - Not available yet :x:
INRX - Not available yet :x:

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Could you kindly add IPOOF , I asked this already sometime ago and nothing happened. Thank you in advance.

Do you mean IPOF? And do you mean to the European platform?

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to go ahead with the request as the security(IPOOF) has a very small market cap, @m3talaxis.

We’ll let you know if anything changes, though. :v:

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