New IPOs going live TODAY (Fri 28th February, β€˜25)

Good morning @Victor.Ts.1 @MihailM @Aleksandar.M @Denis.E

Please add the following IPOs;

LON:SST (Scottish Oriental Smlr Co Trust)
LON:JARA (JP Morgan Global Core Real Assets)
NDAQ:PN (Skycorp Solar Group Limited)
NDAQ:IBIO (iBio, Inc.)

Would you mind adding to Invest, ISA (where applicable) and CFD for both UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

Cheers guys,


Hey @Joey_Fantana :waving_hand:

LON:SST (Scottish Oriental Smlr Co Trust) - corporate action already reflected :white_check_mark:
LON:JARA (JP Morgan Global Core Real Assets) - corporate action to be reflected :hourglass_flowing_sand:
NDAQ:PN (Skycorp Solar Group Limited) - does not fit criteria :x:
NDAQ:IBIO (iBio, Inc.) - corporate action already reflected :white_check_mark:


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Hi Joey, I’m fairly new here. Can you please clarify your status? Are you a staff member or investor like myself? I’m bit confused by the β€œLeader” title on your messages. Thanks. Kind regards, Roj.

Hi @Roj

I’m an investor like yourself, not a staff member. They are denoted with a β€˜Trading 212’ title next to their name.

The Leader title is just one that is given to the members of the forum who have contributed the most in terms of engagement and helpfulness.

Hope that helps. :+1:


Hi Joey,
Thanks for the clarification. I can see that you are very active on this board. Your posts are very useful.
Happy investing,