Good morning @David @Martin @PeterA
The following IPOs are diarised for today;
NASDAQ:LXEH (Lixiang Education Holding Co. Ltd.) missed yesterday
NASDAQ:AVO (Mission Produce, Inc) missed yesterday
NASDAQ:LUNG (Pulmonx Corp) missed yesterday
NASDAQ:ASO (Academy Sports + Outdoors)
NASDAQ:CCCC (C4 Therapeutics, Inc.)
NASDAQ:IMNM (Immunome, Inc.)
NASDAQ:ONCR (Oncorus, Inc)
NYSE:GHIV (Gores Holding IV) - no prices pulling in from IB; please fix
NYSE:OAC (Oaktree Acquisition Corp) - common shares now available
NYSE:JIH (Juniper Industrial Holdings) - common shares now available
NYSE:FAII (Fortress Value Acquistion Corp. II) - common shares now available
NYSE:RBAC (RedBall Acquisition) - common shares now available
Would you mind adding to all platforms, including CFD, as soon as you can please?
I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once common stock is available;
NYSE:APSG.U (Apollo Strategic Growth Capital) - 750m - TBC
NYSE:ASAQ.U (Atlantic Street Acquisition Corp) - 250m - Tech
NYSE:AVAN.U (Avanti Acquisition Corp.) - 500m - Europe
NYSE:IACA.U (Ion Acquisition Corp. 1 Ltd) - 200m - Israeli Tech
NYSE:SEAH.U (Sports Entertainment Acquisition Corp.) - 350m - Sports/Entertainment/Tech
NYSE:VGAC.U (VG Acquisition Corp.) - 480m - Consumer
NYSE:VYGG.U (Vy Global Growth) - 500m - Tech
Cheers guys,
Yes, I’ve updated the SPAC list post. 
1 Like
@David @Martin @PeterA - first reminder.
Hello, can I request $AVO it went live yesterday but wasn’t added.
Tag the guys I’ve tagged so they se it, mate.
@David @Martin @PeterA - reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - two day backlog building up. Another reminder, thanks.
@David @Martin @PeterA - urgent reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - urgent reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - urgent reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA - urgent reminder.
@David @Martin @PeterA… have a good weekend. 

There has to be a more professional, effective and efficient way of doing this. Surely someone can be employed to scan the market for new stocks and add them at the 212 end rather than people on a forum needing to request them?
If you were not doing this @Joey_Fantana the forum would be a huge mess of hundreds of individual posts asking for single tickers to be added and many probably missed.
This just isn’t right that its being done this way.
Time to expand the company and get the ball rolling. This is just becoming frustrating.
Not even taking the time to acknowledge the request lately?
Absolutely agree with @NickLeeson
And whilst I’m happy to do it (it keeps my finger on the pulse more), it would be appreciated if an acknowledgement would be made, even if that acknowledgement is to say “sorry, we’re swamped today, these will have to wait”. Would save me annoying @David @Martin and @PeterA every hour!