New IPOs going live TODAY (Mon 2nd September, ‘24)

Good morning @Victor.Ts.1 @MihailM @Aleksandar.M

Please add the following IPOs;

TSX:ISO (IsoEnergy Ltd.)
TSX:GMIN (G Mining Ventures Corp.)

Would you mind adding to Invest, ISA (where applicable) and CFD for both UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

Cheers guys,


Hello @Joey_Fantana :wave:

It seems that these three have had IPOs in the past few months. We will look into adding them tomorrow, as the Toronto Stock Exchange is closed today for Labor Day.


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Yeah thanks @Aleksandar.M - for some reason the TSX IPO list updates some months after the IPO took place so Ican only post these when they update that.