New IPOs going live TODAY (Mon 4th July, ‘22)

Good morning @David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM

Please add the following IPOs;

EPA:ALTHO (Metavisio S.A.)
LON:OT1 (Oxford Technology 2 VCT Plc)
XAMS:FLE (FL Entertainment N.V.)

Would you mind adding to UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

  • None

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96

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ALTHO - Already on the platform :white_check_mark:
OT1 - Added :white_check_mark:
FLE - Not available yet :x:

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@MihailM there were also OT2, OT3 and OT4 that floated the same day. Not sure of the difference between these and OT1 if you wouldn’t mind investigating and adding those also if eligible? Many thanks.

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