New IPOs going live TODAY (Thurs 9th December, ‘21)

Good morning @David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM

Today’s IPOs;
NYSE:NU (Nu Holdings Ltd.)
NDAQ:HCP (HashiCorp, Inc.)
NDAQ:NRSN (NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd.)
NDAQ:MOBQ (Mobiquity Technologies, Inc.)
NDAQ:VLNS (The Valens Company, Inc.)
NDAQ:ENTF (Enterprise 4.0 Technology Acquisition Corp.) - commons available
NDAQ:ARIZ (Arisz Acquisition Corp.) - commons available
NYSE:RONI (Rice Acquisition Corp. II) - commons available
NYSE:IACC (ION Acquisition Corp 3 Ltd.) - commons available
NYSE:EOCW (Elliott Opportunity II Corp.) - commons available
NYSE:ACRO (Acropolis Infrastructure Acquisition Corp.) - commons available
NYSE:BSAQ (Black Spade Acquisition Co.) - commons available
NDAQ:FWAC (Fifth Wall Acquisition Corp. III) - commons available
NDAQ:PANA (Panacea Acquisition Corp. II) - commons available
SBF:AAC (Accor Acquisition Company S.A.) - commons available
SBF:TRAN (Transition SA) - commons available
FWB:7QI (Crystal Peak Acquisition) - commons available
LON:4GBL (4Global Plc)
NDAQ:INTS (Intensity Therapeutics, Inc.)
BME: SNG2 (Sngular)

Would you mind adding to UK and EU platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

NYSE:WEL.U (Integrated Wellness Acquisition Corp.)
NYSE:RJAC.U (Jackson Acquisition Co.)
NDAQ:HORI.U (Emerging Markets Horizon Corp.)
NDAQ:FXCO.U (Financial Strategies Acquisition Corp.)
NDAQ:GGAA.U (Genesis Growth Tech Acquisition Corp.)
NDAQ:IGTA.U (Inception Growth Acquisition Ltd.)
NDAQ:TGAA.U (Target Global Acquisition I Corp.)

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96

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@David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM - reminder, thanks.

@David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM - reminder, thanks.

@David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM - reminder, thanks.


NU - Added :white_check_mark:
HCP - Added :white_check_mark:
NRSN - Added :white_check_mark:
MOBQ - Already on the platform :white_check_mark:
VLNS - Already on the platform :white_check_mark:
ENTF - Added :white_check_mark:
ARIZ - Added :white_check_mark:
RONI - Added :white_check_mark:
IACC - Already on the platform :white_check_mark:
EOCW - Added :white_check_mark:
ACRO - Added :white_check_mark:
BSAQ - Added :white_check_mark:
FWAC - Already on the platform :white_check_mark:
PANA - Added :white_check_mark:
AAC - Added :white_check_mark:
TRAN - Added :white_check_mark:
7QI - We do not have access to it. :x:
4GBL - Not on IBKR :x:
INTS - Not on IBKR :x:
SNG2 - Not on IBKR :x:

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I cannot find NU & HCP on search invest.

Can’t find $NRSN on ISA platform?

Is NU not in Isa? Can’t seem to spot it @Joey_Fantana any ideas? Is it because of the Cayman Islands? :tired_face::tired_face:

@Alpha_bandit @fdagost - NU is a BDR (Brazilian Depositary Receipt) offering rather than a common stock offering, they are a Brazilian company and incorporated in the Caymans. So they can’t be added to the ISA, same way that ADRs such as NIO and SE can’t be.

Same goes for NRSN, incorporated in Israel.

Not sure why NU isn’t there. Nothing stands out immediately to me. I’ll add the question to today’s IPO post.


That’s correct :point_up: @Joey_Fantana , BDRs are not ISA eligible. $NRSN, on the other hand, has been made available in an ISA, @MohammedS :


Do enjoy.

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