New IPOs going live TODAY (Tues 28th September, ‘21)

Good morning @David @Rumen @Y.M @S.K

Today’s IPOs;
LON:GROC (Greenroc Mining Plc)
LON:PHLL (Petershill Partners Plc)
NDAQ:AMPL (Amplitude, Inc.)
NDAQ:SMLR (Semler Scientific, Inc.)
LON:ALK (Alkemy Capital Investments Plc)
NDAQ:PAFO (Pacifico Acquisition Corp.) - commons available
XAMS:SCHLT (Scholt Energy NV)
BSE:AZE (Azelis Group NV)
FRA:N10 (Novatek)
VIE:SBER (SberBank)

Would you mind adding to UK and EU platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

NYSE:BACA.U (Berenson Acquisition Corp. I)

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96

Thank you for novatek and sberbank - hope you will be able to add them. When possible (if possible) add as well aeroflot. Thank you!

Have you searched ‘Aeroflot’ on the forum already?

I’m sure this has been asked for before.

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GROC - not on IBKR :x:
PHLL - not on IBKR :x:
AMPL - :white_check_mark:
SMLR - already added :white_check_mark:
ALK - not on IBKR :x:
PAFO - :white_check_mark:
SCHLT - not on IBKR :x:
AZE - :white_check_mark:
N10 - we don’t have access to it :x:
OAOFY - we don’t have access to it :x:
SBER - we don’t have access to it :x:

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