New IPOs going live TODAY (Tues 4th March, ‘23)

Good morning @Victor.Ts.1 @Rumen @Y.M @S.K @MihailM

Please add the following IPOs;

LON:ONWD (Onward Opportunities Ltd)
LON:OHT (Ocean Harvest Technology Group)
NDAQ:MGIH (Millennium Group International Holdings Limited)
NDAQ:ISPR (Ispire Technology Inc.)
NDAQ:HLP (Hongli Group Inc.)
NDAQ:CHSN (Chanson International Holding)
NDAQ:DIST (Distoken Acquisition Corporation) - commons available
NDAQ:APLM (Apollomics Inc.)
NDAQ:SYT (SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd.)
NDAQ:SJA (SolarJuice Co., Ltd.)
NDAQ:LRE (Lead Real Estate Co., Ltd)
NDAQ:SFWL (Shengfeng Development Limited)
NDAQ:HKIT (Hitek Global Inc.)
NDAQ:PTHR (Pono Capital Three, Inc.) - commons available
NDAQ:SHLT (SHL Telemedicine Ltd)
NDAQ:ZJYL (Jin Medical International Ltd.)
NDAQ:YGF (YanGuFang International Group Co., Ltd.)
NDAQ:ICG (Intchains Group Limited)

Would you mind adding to Invest, ISA (where applicable) and CFD for both UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

I’ll request the following SPAC IPOs once commons are available;

NDAQ:TBMC.U (Trailblazer Merger Corporation I)

Cheers guys,


cc. @StockRed @jurajpe @Ldmott96


ONWD - we will not add it
OHT - not yet available
MGIH - halted, will double-check
ISPR - halted, will double-check
HLP - added
CHSN - we will not add it
DIST - added
APLM - SPAC merger reflected
SYT - added
SJA - pending listing
LRE - pending listing
SFWL - added
HKIT - we will not add it
PTHR - added
SHLT - we will not add it
ZJYL - added
YGF - pending listing
ICG - we will check it again

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