New IPOs going live TODAY (Wed 26th February, ‘25)

Good morning @Victor.Ts.1 @MihailM @Aleksandar.M @Denis.E

Please add the following IPOs;

LON:AIC (Achilles Investment Company Ltd)
LON:SWEF (Starwood European Real Est Fin)
AMEX:LUD (Luda Technology Group Limited)
NYSE:RAC (Rithm Acquisition Corp.)
NDAQ:LZMH (LZ Technology Holdings Limited)
NDAQ:TRI (Thomson Reuters Corporation)
NDAQ:DMAA (Drugs Made In America Acquisition Corp)
NDAQ:BMGL (Basel Medical Group Ltd)
TSX:PDN ( Paladin Energy Ltd. )

Would you mind adding to Invest, ISA (where applicable) and CFD for both UK and EUR platforms as soon as you can please? If possible please also make these fractional from the start.

Cheers guys,


Hey @Joey_Fantana :wave:

Here is our feedback for these instrument suggestions:

NDAQ: SWEF (Starwood European Real Est Fin) - Already Added :white_check_mark:
NDAQ: TRI (Thomson Reuters Corporation - Already Added :white_check_mark:
TSX:PDN ( Paladin Energy Ltd. ) - Already Added :white_check_mark:
AMEX:LUD (Luda Technology Group Limited) - Pending Listing :hourglass:
NYSE:RAC (Rithm Acquisition Corp.) - We will double-check tomorror :hourglass:
NDAQ:LZMH (LZ Technology Holdings Limited) - Pending Listing :hourglass:
NDAQ:STAK (STAK Inc.) - Added :white_check_mark:
NDAQ:DMAA (Drugs Made In America Acquisition Corp) - Added :white_check_mark:
NDAQ:BMGL (Basel Medical Group Ltd) - Added :white_check_mark:
LON:AIC (Achilles Investment Company Ltd) - Added :white_check_mark:


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