Open another Stocks & Shares ISA

Is it possible to open a second Stocks & Shares ISA on the Trading 212 platform ? If not, could you please clarify why not ?

Having chopped and changed my Stocks ISA investments and strategy over the last 18 months, I would like to be able to ‘park’ my existing Stocks ISA account and invest into a new Stocks ISA for the new tax year 2025/26.

Your bot says this is not possible. Given the recent ISA rule changes, I would just like to understand why not please.

It’s on the HMRC website. You can only open one of each type per year.

You also can’t open your 25/26 ISA until the start of the new tax year.

This rule has changed now. You can open as many as you like within the subscription limits. The providers choose whether they want you to have more than one account per platform though. There’s no mandatory rules to follow on this.

Yes you are not limited to one provider each year for each type but it does not specify this also applies to multiple of the same type with the same provider.

I am familiar with the current ISA rules, thanks. What I’m hoping to get some clarification on is why, for the new tax year 2025/26 from April 6th, can I not open an entirely new Stocks and Shares ISA with Trading 212, to sit alongside my current Stocks and Shares ISA. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the current HMRC rules to prevent this. I was hoping for a response for someone from Trading 212 if that’s possible.

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The following page on the HMRC website confirms that you can hold multiple ISAs of the same type in the same tax year:

(See example three)

That wasn’t the OPs question but thanks, yes I do have several with different providers that give me access to different stocks :wink:

OP should just use a Pie to segregate positions

I already use pies to segregate my existing ISA account holdings. The issue is, if I simply create a ‘25/26’ pie containing any of the same constituent holdings, the average cost and rate of return values will continue to reflect all my cumulative holdings across all pies within the one ISA account. What I’d prefer to do is to open a new ISA account, with a clean slate, so I can more accurately see how my 25/26 investments perform in isolation.

Have you tried wallmine as a workaround so you can split your buys performance that way?

Hey, @TooTallTone :wave:

I checked your communication with the chatbot, and the bot provided the correct information based on the asked question. Currently, you can open only one Trading 212 account and associate only one of each account type that we offer. This rule has always been in place and applies to all accounts that we offer. If something changes in the future and we start allowing more than one account per person, we’ll make sure to notify everyone right away.

I can also confirm that what Scrooge shared is correct. The ISA rules underwent some changes last year, and you can now have more than one active ISA of the same type per year. You can also subscribe to each account in the same year as long as the total amount you contribute to all of your ISAs across all platforms you use doesn’t exceed the annual allowance of £20,000.

Thank you for the clarification. That all makes sense. Hopefully at some point in the future it will be possible to open an additional Stocks ISA. I do think there are merits and valid reasons why some users might like to hold multiple accounts.

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