*Penny Stock Requests* Weekly Round Up (All Penny Stock Exempt) W/C 15/2/21

It’s not penny stock exempt so can’t be added I’m afraid.

Hey @David your penny stock fans urge you to add these at your earliest convenience :stuck_out_tongue: @Joey_Fantana TPPRF Top Strike has been requested a few times and ISCO a couple or take a lucky dip. Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Went with a pick n mix approach today. Will put ISCO in there on Monday. :+1:t2:

Thanks, I think the US stock exchange is closed this Monday :sob:

Correct. Three day weekend, but that doesn’t mean it won’t get added Monday. :+1:t2:

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@David @Martin @Rumen just a quick reminder we have a few penny requests in the original post and a back up list I’ll add after these :slight_smile: Thanks

Please add isco to the list!

Thank you.

PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PYRNF) please. Great company moving onto the NASDAQ soon.

ISCO International Stem Cell Corp please

Forgive me for being blind but I can’t see RCAT on the list

I’m tagging @Mr_Moose in all the posts I find OTC PSE(penny stock exempt) stocks.
He offered to handle/update the list and I don’t keep track of it.


@Mr_Moose can you please confirm if you receive the tags from me from the topics I find PSE OTC stocks?
Also can you please advise where is the latest and updated list?
The reason for asking is: when I find a new PSE post request if is on the list I won’t tag you anymore and instead point the requestor to the list.

Thank you for your help on this.


Hey @Rygel, yes I have been adding your tag stocks. I have updated the original list into 2 parts now. Thanks for helping.



please can we add this one

Please add PUGE - Puget Technologies Inc.

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Add MSNVF penny stock exempt :gem:


Hi, PUGE is not penny stock exempt so they won’t be able to add it. To check if a stock if penny stock exempt search for the stock on here and look for the penny stock exempt badge on the right hand side: OTC Markets | Official site of OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink Markets


Yes will add it to the list. Had a few requests for this.

damn… too sad.
Thank you for replying/clarification.