Search pie library by keyword

When opening the pie library, I can browse for pies according to the tabs, e.g. New, Dividend, etc. but I need to scroll way down sometimes to find what I am looking for. Is there any way to search for pies based on keyword? I believe the search feature (magnifying glass) at the bottom of the screen only searches stocks and ETFs. Maybe I’ve missed something?


Please add the search functionality in the pies.

Best regards,

I would also like to know how the pies get catogrised into those bars New, Top , Dividend Growth and ETC.

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Hi, is there going to be a search function for the pies? It would be useful to search according to creator/user. For example, I followed a pie that the user just deleted and there is no way I can see if he created a new one.

We definitely want to introduce a search option in the future. However, we’ve recently been working on other UI-related improvements for both web and mobile. This includes how posts and comments are sorted, the overall information that you see about a user’s profile and the content that they share, and other features such as the block button and the ‘Hot conversation’ tab.

Still, I’ll forward your feedback to the team and let you know if I have any news in the future. In the meantime, you can follow users instead of their pies. This way, you’ll be able to browse their profile at any time and see all of their pies that are publicly shared :raised_hands:

Thank’s a lot but here comes the next logical question. Is it possible to search for a user/ user name? I do not seem to find a way.

For the time being, you can only search ‘Communities’. To follow a user, you’d have to do that by clicking on their profile when visiting their Pie or if you stumble on a post or a comment from them in the Feed tab. I do get your point, though, and we’ll work on improvements in this area :pray: