[stock request] - asml/mpngf/monc/aagiy/npsny

Fractional if possible:
ASML NA Equity - ASML Holding
MPNGF US Equity - Meituan-Dianping
MONC IM Equity - Moncler SpA
AAGIY US Equity - AIA Group
NPSNY US Equity - Naspers

ASML’s already on the platform, both the ADR and the Netherlands listing, is it one of the other listings you’re after?

T212 doesn’t (yet) offer access to OTC securities, so Meituan-Dianping’s unlikely to be added for the timebeing.

Not sure about t’others off the top of my head, but I’d imagine it’s a similar story for Naspers, don’t think there’s an ADR so it’s prob OTC too.

Thanks for this, I must have missed ASML!

I think the OTC issue will take out AIA as well, however Moncler SpA would not have the same eligibility issues.