The Very Good Food Company Inc (VRYYF)

@Imi91 How can it be possible now?

I don’t know, but I would like to it. It seems it could be a opportunity to jump on.

The stock is already up 20% today! :man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5:

This mentality winds me up: the stock’s up X per cent, so blame T212 for not adding it sooner. Other brokers are available you know. If you’re so sure of your convictions, buy it elsewhere–otherwise have a little patience.

If anyone’s responsible for those missed gains, it’s you! It’s far too easy to be Captain Hindsight.

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This is Canadian listed company, so not even available to be added yet. :wink:

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To many topics on this. It’s the new Planet13. Canadian+OTC.

Seems legit.



Very Good Food Co Inc/The

Can you add

Would it be possible to have an update on when this will be added ? Thanks

Please add VERYF

Please, add Very Good Foods Co. Stock $VRYYF to trading 212

Can we add VRYYF ?
I reckon they will 10× in the next few years


Would love to see this added asap

Can you please add VRYYF, I am waiting on this for a while now.

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[Stock request] (VRYYF) Very Good Food Company Inc

Please consider adding The Very Good Food Company Inc.

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Please consider using the search function.

Would it be possible to add this stock from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange?

Unfortunately no dice;

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That’s unfortunate… :frowning: