This week’s 100 new fractional shares!

You beauty!

It’s not in this week’s list of additions, however, and you can’t yet add to a pie.

Edit: Seems to be up and running now.


@PeterA - this doesn’t seem to be fractional anymore. what happened? can we please get it as fractional? :slight_smile: thank you

Fraction purchases and sales are available only trough market orders for the moment. Other than that - no change has been made on the trading conditions of Sunrun Inc. @H2T2

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i’m gonna say it was my bad because somehow the web platform didn’t have that “F” in the corner of the icon but when i went to the list of investments, it was showing up. so may be a bug i need to report then?

but thanks for the clarification

Peter , drop the list please :partying_face:

I can see OLED is fractional! :smiley:

Don’t rush him not to miss SPYM, ZPRV and ZPRX while filling the list :smile:

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Can someone please make Cellnex on the Madrid Exchange Fractional?
Or at least, please reduce the minimum share number to 1.

The share price is currently around 56-60 euros, the minimum nunmber of shares you can buy is 2 and I would like to invest less than 120 euros worth of shares.

I know the feeling. Assurant is now $107 a share and I have to buy 2 at a time to get any at all. I don’t sit with that much spare change on any single day :S

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Patience is a virtue, so they say :blush:. I think T212 want us to learn that lesson as it is one of the most important qualities to have as an investor :smile:and I am sure the list is on the way. But who am I kidding :rofl:I can’t wait for the list too…

not sure LOL. I’ve been waiting since $97 and will possibly lose it by $127 :stuck_out_tongue: I can see it returning back to $140 but I need shares before then xD

@EquityInvestor, @Dao Assurant & Cellnex min q. = 1 now. We’ll make them fractionable in next week’s batch.


Thank you David :smiley:.