Unusually large spreads


  1. Other platforms have also taken steps to mitigate risk. Large CFD brokers have taken similar actions, even earlier without prior notice.
  2. We obliged by regulation to adequately handle market risk.
  3. See above. ^
  4. I understand your frustration with the timeframe but the market is extremely dynamic and we have to adjust on time.
  5. It’s quite common for financial institutions to adapt to significant market movement by adjusting their margin requirements.
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Please provide details.

With only 1 hour to take action?

@David can you explain the margin reduction with an example.
For example:
With 2k capital I bought 10k worth… current market value is 8k… how much should I top up to keep my positions open.

Throws vague comments out into the open about compensation but can’t be bothered clarifying.

Compensation implies fault.


What does this mean, exactly? On time for what?

You’ve not got any rules in place that allow you to manage risk for you/your clients at a reasonable rate, rather than going balls to the wall, leaving clients one hour to manage positions?

I’m sure what 212 is doing is legal, but that’s not really the point, is it.

Don’t want to shoot the messenger, but this is a very bad look.


And the first hour is volatile madness usually…
poor planning by T212.

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“Poor planning”
(filling limit)


Clearly they are breaching FCA guidelines. Less than 24 hour notice is ridiculous


Define “reasonable”.

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Bingo. :partying_face:

Great!!! Forcing to close positions at a huge loss and messing with the spread again
Can it be any better?


For anyone following this thread you need to read this


Crazy Spreads still not allowing to close the positions. When the share price increase by 1% the sell price decreases by 3%…

This is insane, what the hell you doing T212?

I tweeted them on Facebook instead! :rofl:

Any updates on when this will be fixed or made more accurate to reflect the market ?

Not sure they will be able to “fix” the market volatility

Which market volatility is that?

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