212 Hotlist menu

Risers and Fallers lists need to be reverse sorted by percentage rise/fall to be better indicative, not currency unit.

The instruments in the Top Winners and Top Losers watchlists are sorted by % change, starting from highest to lowest. Still, if you have something else in mind, drop me a DM. :v:

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Hello Bogi.H

Think not…can’t attach a screenshot.

I’m using app version 5.97.0


I’ll DM you so we can check this further. :pray:

Ah, just seen something…

I’m talking about the 212 Hotlist accessed via the 3 horizontal menu bars at the bottom right of the main screen.

You referring to the Top Winners/Top Loser watchlists in the er, Watchlist screen.

In any event, Watchlist/Top Winners is NOT sorted by %, Top Losers IS.

If I could attach a screen shot…