Analysing Competition

Hello you very wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum. I sincerely hope you are doing well and things are going positive for you.

When analysing a stock as a potential investment, i have a checklist i go through, such as ensuring the company is run by high quality management, ensuring the company has low debt, in case it gets into difficulties it is able to navigate these challenges. A strong and consistent return on equity and competitive advantages. I also look into whether the industry of a specific company is growing also. I find by screening stocks through this process, it will help me find stocks that i will be comfortable holding for many years.

When reviewing competitor businesses i always struggle to develop a checklist on what i am looking for, as obviously looking if the competitor has low debt, competitive advantages, in this case it might not be relevant. As i will be looking mainly whether competition could take away market share from the stock i am looking to invest from. I please wondered if anyone had any thoughts on what a checklist of things to look for could be when analysing Annual Reports and the Management of competitor businesses please? I have always struggled with this, if anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you continue to have a wonderful life and achieve massive success with your business and investment goals. With the very best of wishes.

You might it useful to look at the resources at . I am only a subscriber to Stockopedia and I find it useful for this sort of thing. They will create checklists for you as well as allowing you to create your own screen lists of stocks.

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Thank you very much for getting back to me PStaveley, that was very kind of you. I truly hope things are going well for you.

I really like the idea of using Stockopedia to create checklists for you, as well as allowing you to create your own screen lists of stocks. Thank you very much for your support with this.

I please wanted to ask for instance, say if you have found a Tech based stock that was promising such as Apple, it had a good Return on Investment and good management. I please wanted to ask what reports or articles you could review to see if the Technology Industry was growing please, so you are looking at the wider economy in relation to your stock/investment? If you kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Thank you ever so much for your support PStaveley, you have been wonderful. Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you continue to achieve massive success with your investing and continue to have a wonderful future. With the very best of wishes to you.