Can the zoom gesture actually zoom on web?

Does it make sense that zooming with the trackpad actually scroll left and right? This is so badly implemented that using the trackpad with up and down but even also with the pinch, it doesn’t zoom.
I didn’t see any website with charts using this “unnatural” behavior. It’s like you’re on Google Search, going down with the mice and they put you page 2, or in Instagram, you pinch in and it goes to next picture. Doesn’t make sense.

And to put it worst, even if you were thinking to use it to go left or right, it’s so sensible it’s unusable. I want to laugh if it wasn’t that annoying.

I’m new here, so far I’ve been impressed by what they offer but I’m wondering if there are other strange behaviors that could make the full experience not worth it.
I hope it’s gonna be fixed but I’ve seen other users complaining about this zoom few months ago and nothing changed yet…

We have been told that a web interface has being rewritten and a completely new version will come out soon. The appearance will have many more similarities with the phone app. It will be interesting to see if the problems you write about have been fixed.

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That’s interesting, so far the web is very similar to the phone app. I look forward to see this interface.
Thanks for the update Richard