From various conversations with 212 on chat they have told me that in order to get the interest I am accruing daily from my cash ISA the only way to access it is to withdraw the whole amount in the isa then the final part of that withdrawal would be the interest. They have also told me there is no way to transfer this into the Cash ISA even if I have room left on my allowance. This seems overly complicated and any time I would want to access the interest I would need to withdraw the cash ISA (up to £20k) to a bank account and put it back in the ISA again. Has anyone else had this issue and found a way to get around it please?
Amy - you’ve either misunderstood the answer or been given some duff information from the bot I’m afraid. Interest in the Cash ISA is paid onto the balance of the account after you deposit your money, you shouldn’t need to do anything else.
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