[CFD] Upcoming Increase in Margin Requirements - postponed for 01.12.2020

no, you need to follow calculation to be sure

Retail accounts are capped at 1:30 margin is that right? whereas pro accounts are 1:500?

I am not 212 staff :frowning: so no idea how long they will keep it in place, saw somewhere earlier a member of staff said not sure on timeframe

Anyone got any idea if this applies to the pro account? @David please can you clarify? Worth switching to a pro account to save my positions?

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I would check this. When I did CFDs about 4 months ago they were closed in date order, oldest first. Worth checking how they’ll get closed if it’s closing them for you. You may be right, just not sure. I wish you all luck if you’re trying to keep losing positions open in the expectation they come back into profit later down the line.

That’s my understanding too.

It does apply to pro, David said earlier.

Only way to save positions is top-up to increase free funds appropriately or close some positions to increase free funds appropriately.

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Since so many people are asking. For CFDs and how much extra you need in your account.

  1. Divide your blocked funds by 2. (as we are 20% margin now)
  2. Multiply the result by 5 (as it will be 50% margin)
  3. Take this number and subtract the original blocked funds.
  4. This number is how much you need to upload to your account to be in the same position you are in currently.

let’s ask community members, @David @Tony ?

So the work outs are done on based on the initial price you paid for a CfD stock?
Like I have a stock that gone up by 60% how would it work in this instance?

Also the minimum required margin still be 25%?

Thanks a lot

Oh sorry Ryan I thought you worked for 212! Apologies

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all accounts are affected is what he replied to someone earlier if i read it right

Isn’t the calculation just 3x your blocked funds to get the same coverage as now?

no. We are at 20% margin now. 3 x 20 is 60%.

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Any idea about this question Ryan? What if something doubled in value since you bought it?

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should be times 2.5 as far as I understood

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Ahh ok that makes sense now, I was thinking with us staying at the original margin, thanks

How certain are you on this?

At the moment if you buy £10k of something it will tie up £2k of your funds.

After the change that same position will tie up £5k

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@ammilea It applies to every account type.