Contract Note Statement Currency

This might even be considered a bug actually. Apologies for hijacking your post @CavanHaganInvesting

Everything in my contract notes are displayed as GBP yet there is an FX rate.
If I look at it, I bought BNZL from 18.9 GBP with an FX rate of 0.01

What we currently have: (only the relevant fields for this post - numbers are made up)
| Instrument/ISIN | Quantity | Price | Total Amount | Exchange Rate | Charges And Fees | Total Cost
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| BNZL/GBxxx | 100 | 19.105 GBP | 1910.5 GBP | 0.01 | 9.55 GBP | 1919.55 GBP |
| STNE/USxxx | 100 | 25.75 GBP | 2575 GBP | 0.79624 | 0 GBP | 2575 GBP |

What we should have. Adding settlement currency here as well, since multi currency accounts are in the pipeline. Also there is not a good reason to glue ticker and isin together so why don’t we clean it up while we are there.

| Symbol | ISIN | Quantity | Price | Total Amount | Stock Currency | Settlement Currency | FX Rate | Charges And Fees | Total Cost
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| BNZL | GBxxx | 100 | 1910.5 | 1910 | GBX | GBP | 0.01 | 9.55 GBP | 1919.55 GBP |
| STNE | USxxx | 100 | 32.3394 | 2575 | USD | GBP | 0.79624 | 0 GBP | 2575 GBP |

Edit: Also would be lovely if you can add Pie as in which pie if any this TX occured in.
while you are there can you attach this table as a CSV pretty please?

save me from the disgusting things I do:

  newRow[4] = newRow[4]/newRow[9];
  if(newRow[9] <= 0.01) {
  } else if(newRow[9] <= 0.8) {
  } else if (newRow[9] <= 0.99) {
  } else {