Yes and no. Most likely this is a liquidity problem. To many people have gone all in. In the past common practice was that you have 20-40% cash in your portfolio. Just like a bank. The money in your deposit is not actually there. The bank uses it for various transactions and is only brought back into your actual account when you want to withdraw.
Based on some of the screenshots people have posted in the past 24 hours there are too many CFD accounts that have been running on 90-100% cash invested and it also seems they have positions opened for days or even weeks. Besides the liquidity problem there is another problem if CFD account hold onto the underlying assets for too long. T212 need to borrow the share from somewhere to create the contract so if people buy and don’t sell from time to time then T212 needs to go out and rent more stock.
This is not how CFDs are supposed to work and has created some issues for T212 (probably other retail brokers as well)