Delay: Execution time on LSE AIM Stocks

ok thanks for clarifying. Well trading 212 can learn from their competitors in respect of how to deal with this issue re AIM market trading.

Is it normal for aim stocks to have restrictions when trying to put a stop loss limit order? I have been trying to put in a sell order but it says ‘the minimum value for pending orders for arb is p10,000.00’

Hey @MohammedS :wave:

I’d be happy to help. Let me DM you so that we can figure this out!

Correct me if I’m wrong but this stock has quite normal volumes? But placing market order it takes significant amount of time to process it

I think its more the subsegment of the market it is on. Trading is light off book, but think the way Interactive Broker works, and EU regulations, we are not allowed to use PFOF, so have to wait for the regular auctions to see if our trades can be matched with a counterparty.

You’ll see there’s an average of about 30 trades daily, so not so high.

You also have to take into account that T212 does this through Interactive Brokers, who are likely to get priority of shares with T212 getting the remaining amount.

Buying larger Quantities of shares may also delay your order as someone else has to buy that amount at a set price.

Hope that helps too.

Also it has to be a market order , limit orders just get denied. Which leaves you open to getting filled at a much higher price and sold at a lower price.

All my limit orders have been accepted. If a limit order is rejected it usually means too precise a price is bring used. E.g 2.11 v 2.1

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I somewhat understand the volume issue. However, why do trading 212 not update the price regularly?

For example Argo Blockchain price has not been updated since this morning. It has been stuck on yesterday’s price and this happens quite regularly.

Example below:

The price comes from Bloomberg, a reputable data source. There’s someone on the forum that has direct Bloomberg access, could check to see if it’s actually a a Bloomberg issue or not?

I don’t think it’s a Bloomberg issue: they are quite reliable.

I’m quite surprised that the only publicly listed Crypto stock in U.K. is being (I believe) overlooked by trading 212, they are probably treating this company like a penny stock. Hence no one really pays attention to.

It will soon list on NASDAQ also.

That’s actually factually incorrect. The company have not announced this.

It is not.

The Company also announces that it is exploring a potential secondary listing on NASDAQ. Argo has not made any decisions regarding the timing or the terms of the potential secondary listing. Any proposed listing is subject to market and other conditions, and there can be no assurance as to whether or when the proposed listing may be completed.

It will take some time, but will happen.

:rofl: ok did not realise that “exploring a potential” and “has not made any decisions” translates to ‘soon’.

Thanks for clarifying, my mistake.

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Should have worded better, apologies.

I do not still understand the reason behind why the price is stuck.

@MohammedS Hello :wave: !

Let me try to explain. Here’s a quick example of how it works:

Low volume :arrow_right: lack of obtained quotes :arrow_right: inability for a portrayal of the chronological development of the price on the platform.


I understand low liquidity, etc but I was wondering how long roughly can these orders take? I placed an order yesterday morning and it still hasn’t been filled.

Do T212 match sellers on its platform to buyers or is it based across the whole exchange.

Thanks in advance

What is the stock?

For AIM it all depends on the market segment - 212 don’t use market makers, so if it’s a low liquidity stock, the way the LSE exchange works is orders go to auction at set intervals of the day to try and grow and match the orders from both sides. They’re then matched on a best price/first come basis.

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Hi Dougal the stock is Metal Tiger (MTR)

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Not the worst liquidity I’ve seen but only about 25-30 trades a day on this one. With that volume it’s probably quite difficult to match order sizes of buys/sells. That and a lot of those appear to be off exchange trades. In this instance we’re a bit restricted by the market and only having IB as a trading partner.

Edit It is something I’ve suggested previously, if 212 could have a ‘liquidity’ indicator on the app, or trade volume / average time to execute through the 212 platform. It would help set expectations a bit better and they should either have that information in house, or potentially piggy back of the total market liquidity from Bloomberg.