Getting a CSV of Instruments and their Exchange

Googling has suggested that the only way of getting a CSV of instruments is by using the API. I have done this and got a list of instruments with field headings of: ticker, type, workingScheduleId, isin, currencyCode, name, shortName, minTradeQuantity, maxOpenQuantity, addedOn

So no direct mention of Exchange. I assume this is because the trading 212 system is storing it all in a relational database with the exchange data in a separate table. So I queried the exchange list that gave me field headings of ID, Name and WorkingShedules.

It seems that there is a table called WorkingSchedules that links the Exchange table and the Instrument table?

I don’t seem to be able to edit any of the requests, so I’m wondering whether it is possible to get the WorkingShedules table’s data?

Or is there a better way?
Thank you

I have a fairly recent one I can ping you.

Oh thank you. That would be great. How did you get the data?

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