How do you set stops and limits after buying shares

After buying the shares you will need to tap sell, change the tab from market to stop and set the trigger point that it will create a market order for you (or stop limit if you want a trigger point and to specify a minimum to make a limit order for you)

If you use market or limit it would just make the order straight away, so make sure it’s on stop or stop limit if you are wanting it to trigger for you at a certain price.

It’s always worth giving it some breathing room from the current action so if it’s moving between 50-60 don’t set it at 49, set it at 40.

I would place price alerts at 50 and at 60 so it can alert me to the change in momentum. That way if it dipped 50 I can decide if I want to exit or let it play if I think it’s just a short blip and will head back up. Likewise if it’s breaking 60 I can see if it’s a breakout.

Once the action clears into say 60-70 and it’s constantly in that range then tap on it again and change the stop from 40 to 50 etc. Annoyingly in the Invest/ISA you’ll need to move the stop up yourself, CFD has trailing stops which will follow the action.

The more volatile and lower value the stock the further you want to place a stop, if at all, as you can easily be taken out when you didn’t want out.

Here’s a recent example