I know the team at T212 are doing a great job, so I thank them for that.
However I’m confused on how long it takes for a new stock to be available? I requested one on LSE:AVCT (Avacta) back in June and it’s not been added yet. Now this could be normal operation and sadly this is how long it takes, I don’t know. But I have seen others request companies which have been added much quicker. Could anyone shed any light here?
It’s luck of the draw to a degree. There is a queuing system of sorts. HelloFresh, for example, was recently added having been requested way back in March. US stocks seem to be easier to add to the platform, which is why you may see them added before AVCT. That said, I’m sure a boatload of European stocks will be added before too long.
To be fair to T212, it has been dealing with a pandemic, a surge in users and, all the while, rolling out some game-changing features like pies. I read the goal is to add all stocks from exchanges currently offered, so it won’t be too long. Good things come to those who wait and all that!
Yeah I’ve seen tons and tons of US stocks added, but its rare to see any UK and european stocks on the ‘just added’ lists.
I’m not taking anything away from T212 as I said, they are doing a great job, under a big surge as you said and the taxing times for all of us. Not looked into pies so will have to add that to my reading list to see what its all about.
Agree that the T212 team have been doing a great job.
Although it would be good to get a rough idea of how long new stocks and fractional shares take to be added. If anything, it would help manage everyone’s expectations. At the minute, none of us know how long it is expected to take.
My amateur take is that it’s not simply just like adding a brick on top of another, theres a whole load of technical jargon things to consider, behind the scenes.
If they could just type the ticker in, and add it, they would.
T212 have been getting better and faster with adding new shares AND fractionals. the plan is to get every last share listed on each exchange they have access and this process has been improving towards the end of the year.
admittedly some requests have been pending for quite a while now, I can only assume this is because they may not be as popular as other requests, or that a complication popped up slowing down the process.
perhaps your request will be in the next drop of 200-250 shares to get added. in time the will no longer be a need to request anything as all except new IPOs will already be live on the platform
Great news to hear that lots more shares will be added as the year go on (although not much of the year left). In the mean time I like the idea from Tom214 about having a rough idea of when this should happen. If it was days, weeks or months, at least you knew, and not keep badgering people
So just as another little reminder, LSE:AVCT (AVACTA GROUP PLC) please