Does T212 offer a way of seeing your year to date statement? The current best I’ve got it to take last years annual statement, and manually try to subtract the value from the all-time-totals I can determine manually, but not all of them are easily calculable.
i.e. If 212 says I’ve earnt £2000 in interest since account opening, and last year’s annual statement says I earnt £500, I can infer I’ve earnt £1500 this year so far.
Unfortunately, I can’t find summaries for the other sections such as taxes and fees.
Further to this, when looking at the interest total in the history section, what rates are used for multi currency?
Is it the cumulative total of the individual amounts converted to GBP using the day’s rate when the interest was earnt, the sum of all of the whole foreign currencies’ interest totals using the current day’s rates, or something else entirely?
Try as I might, I can’t make the figure reconcile with my accounts, I suspect due to different exchange rates. Does anybody know how the tax implications of this would be calculated? I.e. if I have a balance in dollars earning interest in dollars, how on earth you are supposed to calculate how much interest in GBP you’ve earnt as of the next 5th of April…