Leverage 2x Tesla ETP

Can you please add the TSL2 or TSLA2 that match this ETF : 2x Tesla ETP

Thank you

Hi ach,

I was informed that the Tesla ETPs (along with the rest of the ETPs by Leverage Shares, which include 3x and -1x products) will be added by the end of this week.

Kind regards.


Hi Oktay,

Thank you for the info, with Autoinvest this week, that will be a good update !


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Any update on these ETP ?
And by the way, when AutoInvest will be working with non-fractional shares?

Thank you

Autoinvest will never work with Non-fractional shares, rather all non-fractional shares will become fractional over the next several months

Hi @CavanHaganInvesting,

@George announces on the Import/Export thread that at the moment fractional shares only are compatible and they all be compatible soon.

I think he meant all of them will be. Meaning that all shares will be fractional eventually: that was the plan, pies don’t really work with big whole shares

Hey @ach,

I see that there were added today - FYI :slight_smile:

Good ! Thank you guys !

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