Limit buy order won't get approved

And again, I can not place this Limit Order because the math issue. In reality, I have the required funds. :frowning: Okay, thereā€™s a workaround (placing multiple orders) but this is not the way how it should work.

except you have mis-read how the limit feature works.

95% of funds refers to a stocks current market price, not the price you want to buy at.

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it says cant place an order worth more than 95%, where does it say current market price Dao?


its how the feature has always worked. not ideal, but this is not some new problem to do with the math.

the box only shows indicative values, it is not making a comparison from that indication to your funds, the only value it reads from for comparisons are the stocks market price and your fund balance.

this is covered in the tutorials, the help centre and comes up frequently in the community.

Okay but why? WHEN I buy it on the Limit Price that that will be the Market Price, not the price where it is now.

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Sorry, Dao but they didnā€™t say that, didnā€™t even mention the Market Price. They say THIS:
KeĢpernyoĢ‹fotoĢ 2021-02-25 - 18.51.38

No Market Price in the game. Itā€™s about MY FUNDS and ITS 95%. Of which I am BELOW. Thatā€™s the reality.

Their math expression for this function IS NOT IN COHERENCE with the text they display. Or vice versa.

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Thatā€™s how it works and how it always been. Adjust your trading to the platform.

I think the question has been answered in the posts above.