Newbie Question - stocks taxes for UK

Hi guys, I’m holding a trading 212 account (investing) with some stocks from US. Is there any tax allowence for this? If I need to pay taxes for Buying or selling stocks, how can I do it?

Thank you

Hey :wave:,

This really depends from the regional taxation requirements. The most relevant thing to do here is to contact the authorities and they’ll be able to elaborate further.


Since you title the post “- stocks taxes for UK”, may we assume you are UK resident? If that is the case then there are no taxes to pay to HMRC if the stocks are bought and sold within an ISA. But if you are holding shares outside an ISA wrapper then a tax liability can arise if your dividend income exceeds £2,000 per year, or your capital gains exceeds £12,000 (19/20 tax year) £12,300 (20/21 tax year). The usual way to figure and pay these taxes is by submitting a self-assessment form once a year. There is a lot of information available on pages, eg.
Tax on dividends - GOV.UK
Tax when you sell shares - GOV.UK
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return - GOV.UK

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if it’s below 12k do you need to declare anything?

If you are not required to complete a self assessment return for any other reason then you do not need to report gains if under 12,300 (20/21 and 12,000 in 19/20). But if you have losses that you want to deduct from gains you will need to complete a self assessment return or write to HMRC.

EXAMPLE. Gains on TSLA £14,000. Losses on XOM £3,000. You will need to make a report, even though gains minus losses is £11,000, ie less than £12,300.

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makes sense, thanks!