NYSE: WEX stock request

Please add as fractional.


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Please add WEX and GMED.

Come on 212

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agree please add as fractional!

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Another vote for both WEX & GMED

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Hi Could I please request NYSE:WEX to be added please @David. Thank you in advance!

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Iā€™d like WEX on the NYSE in USA added to trading 212 please.


Another vote for WEX please.

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Will we be notified if it is added?

Someone from @Team212 will usually comment on the thread! :slight_smile:

Another vote for WEX

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Another backup for WEX & GMED stock request
Add them in any way, even if not fractional


Hi. Can we add WEX stock to the platform please?

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Hi, You can check search first, possibly someone already created same topic. :beers:

Bump for WEX. Cheers