Option trading?

I think the more services Trading 212 offers, the better. Options trading is not a niche thing, itā€™s rather popular in America but absent in the UK. Trading 212 could mop up the UK market if they offered it.

Frankly, I donā€™t see what the argument against it is. If you donā€™t like options trading, then donā€™t do it, but donā€™t argue against it just because you donā€™t like it


Best lines on this thread. :+1:t2:


Ok. either I donā€™t know what incite means or thanking for it is not necessarily a positive thing.

Iā€™m decades away from my teenage years but I sincerely hope there is someone even younger than that inside me.

On another note I abhor profanity on any level especially behind a keyboard.

My only argument was against the notion that ā€œoptions are not risky because they are hedging toolsā€ and on a different post not even as a reply to you I recommended that guys videos for basics.

and you countered the option argument by saying ā€œthis guy has a book on TA on penny stocksā€ :man_shrugging:

But this is getting way too side tracked, so Iā€™m gonna stop posting. People now think Iā€™m against options, while I have over Ā£200k uncovered option volume just this FY on tasty.

Good luck

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Hey, do you have plans to add the options trading with in the next year, or sooner?
It would be a very nice feature.


Canā€™t vote , but I really want Option trade as well , itā€™s much better option to make passive income

Would never use CFDs, but I buy and write options all the time in my IBKR account. The IBKR interface is awful and I can see T212 doing a much better job. So would really appreciate options in T212.

Would be happy to pay for it too.


Maybe the voting is closed? @kali is that the case on the most requested features poll?

Or is it like ā€œStop the Countā€? :smiley:

@Sagrias yes, options provide a decent way for investors with a sizeable capital/portfolio to generate passive income. So CCs and and CSPs would highly appreciated on T212.
Iā€™m making a couple of grand a month writing naked and covered options on IBKR, I pay fees which ramp up with more volume, so free options trading would be nice also.


its not a timed poll, but you have to be greater than trust level 0 to vote (basically you cannot create a new account and vote)


Just the ability to collect a premium for buying a company at a price I already want to own it at would be fantastic!


Yep, we can have variety nothing wrong with that. Invest, CFDs and options


after some research I found out that a couple of traders in Uk is doing options selling . Why I canā€™t this info in Trading 212? How are them CFD accounts is different from others?

What couple of traders if you donā€™t mind me asking?

What couple of traders if you donā€™t mind me asking?

Give me some Optionssssssss please :slight_smile: literally having to sign up on IBKR, when I couldā€™ve had everything in one place.


Plus 500, that what I found so far, but they have very limited option list. But itā€™s something

Is there be option trading next year?

WOW! @ayurb07 I did the sameā€¦ but I hate their fees about every actionā€¦ so I would love to have options here in t212

I would love to see options on T212, until then I am using tastyworks but their app sucks.


shouldnā€™t be too big of a deal since Interactive Brokers already provides options right?

just like extended hours for INVEST and ISA which they seem to put off as long as they canā€¦