Please add Barclays iPath commodity ETNs

Currently it is difficult to get exposure to commodities such as copper, livestock, natural gas, coffee, agriculture etc. Also same for VIX exposure.

Please add as many as possible from this list here:

These are all US domiciled ETFs which are not UCITS compliant and so unfortunately they cannot be sold to retail clients on a European platform.

Ah I see. The below are some commodity UCITS compliant ETFs. Can the below be added please?

[ iShares Physical Gold ETC ]
[ iShares Diversified Commodity Swap UCITS ETF ]
[ iShares Physical Silver ETC ]
[ iShares Bloomberg Roll Select Commodity Swap UCITS ETF ]
[ iShares Physical Platinum ETC ]
[ iShares Physical Palladium ETC ]
[ iShares Diversified Commodity Swap UCITS ETF (DE) ]