Requesting NIO to be added into ISA

NIO has completed it’s dual listing in Hong Kong, if I am not wrong, this should means NIO is now eligible to be included in ISA, is this correct?
If it is, can you please add it?

@David good morning!

NIO ETPs were implemented for quite a bit if you wanted to have exposure to it.

@Ashige I do have some exposure. I prefer my ETP positions for short-mid term gains, but I would like to have the shares of the company for my long term positions.

Hey. :wave:

Nio, Inc. still does not meet the criteria of being ISA-compliant, and we will not be able to add it. However, it is available for trading in Invest accounts.


Hi @Bogi.H ! Thanks for the reply! Do you know where I can find the criteria of eligibility for being ISA-compliant?
Sorry, I based this request on the basis that XPEV being dual-listed in HK was later added unto ISA, and as both companies being both chinese EV companies, I do not know how NIO differs as a non ISA compliant company

Some ADR stocks can be unavailable within an ISA as they do not meet the regulatory requirements. There is a piece of additional information in the article here from our Help Centre.

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