Temporary BUY Restrictions on Illiquid OTC Penny Stocks

Correct, so if you have 2 mil shares you can make 4 X 500,000 orders, the same price if you want.

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Wish there was an easier way.

It’s bizarre! Restriction due suspicious activities on penny stocks … I think that most ‘suspicional’ activity is the action of the Wall Street that keeping crashing Nasdaq and drudging the small investors to the bottom line but making the room for the ‘big wales’ to buy hug stock for the ‘bottom’ price!
While the housing market prices are still stable what happened with the trading market?.. economy crush? … no way, they doing it on purpose
The question is The restrictions for penny stock is the part of that ‘big deal’?


If you’re talking about a stock (rather than a CFD) then nothing gets automatically sold if the share price decreases. The only difference is that your investment is worth less.

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Any updates on $ATVK $LLKKF $REZZF

We should be able to lower our average by buying now while it’s low. Most of us already have shares held and it’s declinging. We are not selling at this loss but better to DCA down. As we can’t buy, we can’t do this…Please explain why these are restricted for buying but ok for selling! Thanks

T212 INVEST account


Can anyone answer why Lake Resources LLKKF is temp restricted?
Also when can we expect these to be lifted?


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Vision Lithium when will customer be able to buy this again?


Its been updated. They have removed the 500000 limit per order. Woop woop. Thanks 212 appreciate that. Seeing some improvements already.Orders going through a lot faster now too.

I’ve heard that 212 has just simply added a blanket buy restriction to companies with a market cap of less than 100m as there are enough of them that are under investigation, but that also means that there are other companies caught up in that. IB still trades for instance CLWD, but that is restricted here.
The biggest issue is that you can’t average down, which seems excessively penalizing to those holding stocks, but not sure how we can get them to change that?

Seems that if you already hold the stock you should be able to purchase more,


LLKKF has been suspended for trading from our execution intermediary - Interactive Brokers. We are currently communicating with them to find out if the stock can be put in sell only at least.

Were you able to create limit orders yesterday then? At what price?

I wasn’t able to do it yesterday and I’m still not able to do it today. See:

Had no limits when i wanted to put a sell order or even a buy order

Thanks. Were you using the app or the website? Would you mind checking if you see the limit today?

I just tried again. It looks like the 500,000 maximum quantity for a single order is still there, but the $1,000 minimum value has been removed. Happy days!

It was the app i was using. Even the 500k limit has been removed.

Not for me. I’m using iOS.

Im on android. That is weird.

Hello . Just found out there are selling restrictions as well. On PRCX ive talked with the support team and they told me we cant even sell. You should post this team t212. Ppl have their money stuck right now and we are completely blocked.

Just noticed $DSGT - DSG Global is suspended also? :thinking:

I wonder why we can’t even sell? I’m stuck on that too